Who we are

Here at SK fit we are dedicated to our clients. Our trainers are certified through PTA Global. We specialize in weight loss, body building, youth training, power lifting, body toning, sport conditioning, injury recovery and cross fit just to name a few things. We welcome everyone regardless of where you are in your fitness journey, your age and size to become a part of SK fit family. Our mission here at SK Fit is to help others gain their confidence through fitness.

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Our Story

Born and raised in West Africa, Liberia and relocated to the US in 2008; Siafa has 9 brothers and sisters. His goals and dreams were to become a professional soccer player and possibly become a coach. He attended Consumer River College as a student athlete and played soccer. Siafa was the top goal scorer for two consecutive years. 

Long story short, Siafa’s fitness journey started in 2010 when he wasn’t confident enough in his body. He wanted to make a change, so he began working out. His father and sister suffered from diabetes and other health issues that could have been avoided with proper health and fitness practices.  Seven years later he decided to reach back and help others reach their fitness goals. His desire to help save his family and community; SK Fit was born.